My English blog

Let’s learn and share…


Filed under: 9º 4º CBET — elenamalliet @ 12:01 pm

Hi Sophie,

How are you? My favourite day is Student’s day. It’s on 21st September. I like it because we don’t go to school and we celebrate the beginning of the spring.

First we meet friends and go to a party. Then we eat all together and we go to the same place again.

See you soon.




Dear Sophie,

 In my birthday, I have fun and I get presents. My mother makes a cake and she invites friends. I decorate the house and after that I go out with my friends. Bye,



Student’s day.




Hello Sophie:

                   I’m fine, thanks. I’m very happy because next month is Student’s day. It’s on 21st September and it’s my favourite special day. I like it because it’s the beginning of the spring and we don’t go to school.

First, at the last night all the students set a snowman on fire and have a party by the river side.

In the morning I go to the picnic on the beach with my friends and stay there all  day. It’s great fun!

See you soon.


                                           Camila J




Dear Sophie,


My favourite special day is my birthday, it is on 8th September , this day is great fun, I lile it because I get presents, and I eat cake, this day I have fun with my friends, and I    also decorate my house.  What’s your favourite special day? I wait  for  your  answer.




My favourite special day:
Hi Sophie,
How are you? I’m very happy because in sixteen days is  my birthday. It’s on 22º October and it’s my favourite day.I like it because it’s funny. First, my mum buys a cake. Then, I have a shower. Then, My family sings me happy birthday and I make a wish. After that I blow the candles. Finally I give presents. Have you got a favourite special day?
Tell me about it.
All the best,


The Golden Rule to Making Schools Better October 23, 2008

Filed under: News — elenamalliet @ 7:31 pm

Want to make schools better? Start with kindness and respect.

Imagine a school in which teachers always speak courteously to students, especially when pointing out a problem with their behaviour. A school in which students are never bullied into participating, but are invited without coercion. A school in which every teacher knows that before the obligations to teach students well and use their time productively comes the obligation to be kind.

Imagine how many students, with just that one change, would like school so much more. And begin learning more.

Teachers need a professional motto. Physicians have “Do no harm”, which would be a good beginning but doesn’t go quite far enough. How about a Golden Rule for teachers? Stated and restated by the Greeks, by Jesus, Muhammed, Confucius, and many others, it carries the dual force of universality and simplicity.

“Treat students as you would like to be treated.”

Is that so hard?

Apparently it is. But on the other hand it costs nothing, requires no negotiations with boards or unions, or even permission from the principal. Every teacher can begin implementing this revolutionary educational reform, right now.

I say, let’s start.

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